New to yoga?

New to Yoga? January 20, 2021 What to know before your first yoga class. BEING NEW TO YOGA MAY BRING YOU A LOT OF QUESTIONS ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE GETTING INTO; HOW TO PREPARE FOR CLASS, WHAT TO WEAR AND WHAT TO BRING. WHAT TO EXPECT During the class, you will be moving...

Mental resilience

Mental resilience October 28th, 2020 When we face a challenging, stressful, or traumatic event, mental resilience is our ability to bounce back to the pre-event mental in our minds. Every event is different, each person processes things differently, and after a while,...
The eight limbs of yoga

The eight limbs of yoga

The Eight Limbs of Yoga May 25th, 2021 The infinity of life The word ‘yoga’ means to unite. We associate yoga with spirituality because in the first place, that’s one of the primary purposes of yoga. The journey can help us unravel whatever prevents us...